The Classic Cancel

"running man"

Quality 19th Century U.S. Stamps, Cancels and Postal History

Analysis of the Barre, Massachusetts Killers, 1880-91 (Page 3)

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Table 2 - Killers




29 millimeter round 12-segment open grid


21x25 millimeter rectangular grid composed of 7 vertical 25 millimeter bars


18 millimeter squared diamond grid composed of 8 horizontal bars of various lengths

S1 (2)

Block letter S in 19x30 millimeter segmented vertical box grid composed of 2 horizontal bars above and below the letter and a single vertical bar between 2 squares at left and right

S2 (3)

Block letter S in 23-24 millimeter vertical ellipse composed of 12 (possibly 13) horizontal bars

S3 (4)

Reverse block letter S in 25 millimeter circular grid composed of 4 horizontal bars at top and bottom and 4 vertical bars along each side

S4 (5)

Script letter S in 20 millimeter circular grid composed of 8 horizontal bars

S5 (7)

Block letter S in 23 millimeter circular grid composed of 7 horizontal bars

R1 (6)

Thin letter R in 24 millimeter vertical ellipse composed of 11 horizontal bars

H1 (8)

Block letter H in 23 millimeter vertical ellipse composed of 7 horizontal bars

B1 (12)

Block letter B in 24 millimeter pointed vertical ellipse composed of 7 horizontal bars

J1 (13)

Block letter J in 22 millimeter circular grid composed 7 horizontal bars

J2 (11)

Block letter J in 20x22 millimeter vertical box grid composed of 2 horizontal bars above and below the J and 3 horizontal bars at left and right


Small block letter J in 19-20x13 millimeter horizontal box grid composed of single short bar and circular arch above and below the J and 2 vertical bars at left and right

J3b (16)

Small block letter J in 19-20x13 millimeter horizontal box grid composed of single short bar above and below the J and 2 vertical bars at left and right

W1 (10)

Small block letter W in 24 millimeter circular grid composed of 9 horizontal bars around small interior block

W2a (9)

Block letters W and H (latter smaller and within the W) in 23 millimeter circular grid composed of 9 horizontal bars

W2b (14)

Same as Killer P1 with the letter H removed


(19, 20)

Same as Killer P2 (worn state) missing the short horizontal bars along either side of the letter W

W3 (21)

Small block letter W in circular grid composed of 8(?) horizontal bars around large interior block

MJC1 (17)

Block letters MJC horizontally arrayed in 23 millimeter circular grid with 2 horizontal bars above and below the letters

OC1 (18)

Block letters OC horizontally arrayed in 23 millimeter circular grid composed of 3 vertical segments above and below the letters and 3 horizontal segments at left and right


Single sold trapezoidal block 15x15x17 millimeters containing a negative letter K set horizontally in the killer

Mx1 (15)

Solid Maltese cross within 22 millimeter circular grid composed of a single horizontal bar above and below the cross and a single vertical bar at left and right

* Number in parenthesis represents the illustration figure number from the August 2001 article.


By 1886 it appears that the practice of double cancellation ceased. Instead, the various killers were locked into a duplexed cancellation device composed of a 27-millimeter metal rimmed postmark reading "BARRE" at top and "MASS." at the bottom. A number of dial variations exist for this device. (See Table 1.) It appears that the Barre post office used dial varieties 5, 6 and 8 from mid-to-late 1886 through mid-1888. These dial types consist of a three line date composed of month, day and year. Dial type 7, composed of a four line month, day, time and year, appears to have seen use from late 1887 through late 1889. Finally, dial type 9 shows use from early 1890 well into 1891, for the covers examined.

Figure 4