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1869 Issues, Covers (#1)

Item # Description Price Picture
9724 #133, F-VF sound horizontal pair with two strikes of BALTIMORE MD. JUL 3 postmark and numeral 6 ellipse killer on VF Frank Y. Jones stamp dealer corner cover. Cover with small 5mm reduction at right.  Purple JULY 5 1884 Marengo, Iowa receiver on back. 1977 PFC.  Beautiful example of this rare cover item.  Scott $1900+. $1500
9714 #98, F-VF F grill, #114, sound stamps, grid cancels with KEITHSBURG ILL. DEC 22 postmark (Mercer County 1848-), VF intact buff registered cover to Rev. William Nelson, Bedford, Iowa, attractive and scarce mixed franking. $250
9674 #114, VF, sound, VF PROVIDENCE R.I. NOV 22 postmark and target killer on cover to Stockton, California with its large "ADVERTISED" in elongated oval and "NOV 30" and "DEC 16" daters. Small reduction at right. Ex-Milgram, scarce. $95
9659 #116, F-VF, sound, tied by a VF strike of NYFM cross-roads killer (Kirke 63-09-12-WG), red "NEW YORK PAID ALL DIRECT APR" exchange office postmark and boxed BREMEN FRANCO 1870 receiver, on VF intact cover to Cologne, Prussia (Germany), Coeln back stamp. $250
9569 #112, F-VF sound copy, all perfs firm, tied by 15 segment black grid killer with VF HUNTINGDON PA. NOV 22 postmark, 1869 docketing at left, on VF intact drop letter canary cover. Very clean. Scott catalog $270. $95
9355 #113, average, wildly misperforated bottom margin copy, just tied by SOTN strike of blunted 5-point star killer, VF WILLIAMSBURG N.Y. JUL 7 postmark on intact local letter to Brooklyn. Stamp with pre-application printing crease. $35
9584 #114, fine, sound, canceled by a fine strike of an 8 segment rosette killer (Rohloff P-14) with VF WATERBURY CT. JUN 21 postmark on VF peace dove lady's cover, neatly opened at right, to Fair Haven, CT. $65
9594 #114, VF, sound lightly canceled stamp on VF canary cover, tiny reduction at left, with VF-XF strike of WATERLOO, JUNIATA Co. Pa. FEB 12 1870 double ring county name postmark (Doane-Thompson 3908). Scarce style of postmark used with 1869 issue stamp. SOLD
9610 #114, fine, sound, tied by grid (possibly shield) killer with NASHVILLE TENN. FEB 3 postmark on XF intact mourning cover to Meridian Miss. Very attractive. $25
9538 #114, XF sound jumbo stamp tied by strike of negative floral killer (Skinner-Eno PP-Fl 30 unattributed), WOOSTER, OH may 20 postmark on XF intact small illustrated advertising cover picturing Fire Clay Drain Tile. $95
9178 #114, fine, tied by unusual large partially broken 5-ring spiral simplex fancy cancel, with NEW ULM, MIN. NOV 22 postmark on VF intact hotel advertising cover to Alfred, ME, DACOTAH HOUSE, Adolph Seiter, Proprietor corner. $45
8982 #115, VF-XF, sound, tied by light HARTFORD, CT FEB 11 postmark, red NEW YORK FEB 12 exchange office postmark and LONDON FE 23 70 receiver on VF intact small cover to England.  This is a premium 6¢ treaty rate '69 issue cover.  Ex-Dewey. $225
8865 #114, SE, fine, sound, with VF+ SOTN strike of fancy geometric killer consisting of 8 boxed triangles (Skinner-Eno unlisted, GE-S 24 similar), PARIS, ILL JUN 4 postmark on VF cover to South Pass, IL, manuscript "Ill C R R" railroad directive at bottom left. SOLD
8813 #98, #113x2, bottom copy tiny faults, on VF external FLS to Italy, stamps paying the 19¢ NGU closed mail rate to Italy. NEW ORLEANS, LA SEP 2 (1869) postmark and red NEW YORK PAID ALL BR TRANSIT SEP 7 exchange office postmark (Hubbard 122), carried on HAPAG steamer Saxonia, multiple back stamps. Scarce and very attractive mixed issue use. $400
8854 #119, VF, soundNEW ORLEANS, LA. NOV 3 [1869] postmark on VF FLS to France, red NEW PAID YORK NOV 9 3 credit exchange office postmark (Hubbard 206, late use) and boxed PD, blue Cherbourg NOV 20 receiver. Carried on HAPAG steamer "Cimbria".  2008 PFC, "Genuine usage". Scott catalog $800. A beautiful, premium example of the 15¢ rate to France. SOLD

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